What is mean, green, tough as nails on the outside, but softer than butter on the inside? If you are thinking The Hulk, you're wrong. It's your friendly fiesta filled dip that compliments almost every chip. Before you get upset when I tell you that this prehistoric plant is technically a fruit, check out its powerful punch of nutrients. Avocados have leaps and bounds of nutrition, and they're cheap.
Just one cup of 'codder gives you 26% of your daily value of Vitamin K, 20% of Folate, 17% of Vitamin C, 14% of Potassium, 14% of Vitamin B5, 13% of Vitamin B6, and 10% of Vitamin E. You'll also find lesser amounts of magnesium, manganese, copper, iron, zinc, phosphorous, and vitamins A, B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), and B3 (niacin). Other fruits are green with envy.
Avocados have zero cholesterol and sodium and are low in saturated fat and high in monounsaturated fat, making it heart-healthy "good fat." So spread the love on a piece of toast, scoop out a couple of spoonfuls on your favorite salad, or dive into a bowl of guac with a crispy vegetable. Hulk love guac.