Bee and Wasp Stings: Why they sting and what to do

Bee and wasp stings

Bees, wasps, and other stinging insects use their stingers to defend themselves and their colonies.

Bees, wasps, and other stinging insects use their stingers to defend themselves and their colonies. When a bee stings you, it leaves its stinger embedded in your skin. The stinger pumps venom into your body for as long as 60 seconds before the bee loses it. Since the bee can't pull out the stinger, it will eventually die. Wasps don't leave behind their stingers, so they can sting you several times if they choose to attack multiple times.

Is the pain of a bee or wasp sting enough to make you want to swat at them when they fly around? It's best not to. Although bees and wasps are often considered pests, these insects are an essential part of our ecosystem because they help pollinate plants and eliminate pest infestations by preying on smaller insects that would otherwise damage crops or pose problems for us.

bee allergic reaction

Children with a family history of allergic reactions should be closely monitored after an insect sting.

  • If you have a family history of allergic reactions, asthma, or eczema.

  • If there is a first-degree relative (parent, child, sibling) with a history of anaphylaxis.

  • If you've previously had a severe reaction to an insect sting.

  • The age of the person stung. Young children are more prone to severe reactions than teens or adults.

  • The time of year – the risk of severe sting reactions often increases in late summer and early fall.

allergice reactions bees and wasps

Symptoms of an allergic reaction include swelling, breathing problems, and nausea or dizziness.

If you experience these symptoms, seek immediate medical attention. If possible, it may help to bring the stinger with you for identification. If a bee sting is treated incorrectly, the sting area can become infected.

After being stung by a wasp or bee, applying ice or cold packs is often helpful to reduce swelling. These should be placed on and off in 10-minute intervals. Avoid scratching the area as this can cause further irritation and increase your risk of infection.

avoid bee stings

Sushi Made You Sick? Here’s How To Enjoy It Safely.

When a foodborne illness is linked to sushi, the culprits are usually raw fish that contains parasites or bacteria.

We've all heard tales of friends or acquaintances who have fallen ill after eating at sushi restaurants. It's not a good feeling, and it can be alarming to think about what exactly caused the sickness—and whether it could happen to you.

The short answer is that foodborne illness happens when pathogens—or microscopic organisms like viruses, bacteria, and parasites—enter your body through food or contaminated water. The most common symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and fever. But in some cases, these infections may lead to more severe health issues like dehydration, arthritis, and even death (especially among young children).

Foodborne illnesses are usually easy to pinpoint. Your doctor might recommend a stool sample test if you are experiencing symptoms of a foodborne illness. In many cases, the culprits are raw fish that contains parasites or bacteria like salmonella or listeria. That's why handling and preparing fish is so important: it needs to be refrigerated within two hours of being caught to kill any potential bacteria growth. Refrigerating fish properly is also critical once the sushi has been made: at home or in a restaurant.

Sushi can cause food poisoning if it is not prepared carefully.

Sushi can cause food poisoning if it is not prepared carefully. Food poisoning can result in complications and even death. If you think your sushi is spoiled, the symptoms of food poisoning can include -

  • nausea

  • vomiting

  • diarrhea

  • fever

  • abdominal pain.

Once you eat bad sushi or sashimi, it will take 6-24 hours for the symptoms to appear. And it can take up to 72 hours for the symptoms to disappear and heal completely. If your sushi-related sickness persists after two days, you should seek medical care immediately.

Always consume raw seafood within two days of purchase to reduce the chance that it will make you sick.

As with many food products, raw seafood is more likely to contain pathogens such as parasites and bacteria when it is not fresh. The general rule of thumb for consuming raw seafood is that it should be eaten within two days of purchase. Following this rule will drastically reduce the likelihood of becoming ill from consumption.

Beyond going bad, fish can also accumulate contaminants like mercury, which can seriously impact your health if consumed in large quantities over time. These pollutants are typically concentrated in larger fish so large predators (e.g., sharks) and long-lived fish (e.g., swordfish) should be avoided.

Clean your kitchen thoroughly before preparing sushi so there's no risk of cross-contamination from other foods.

When preparing for a fun evening of sushi making and consumption, please keep in mind the following tips to ensure that no illness occurs:

  • Clean kitchen surfaces thoroughly with hot soapy water.

  • Use a separate cutting board for raw meat/seafood and other foods like vegetables.

  • Wash your hands often when preparing food and after handling raw fish.

  • Separate your raw meat from cooked, ready-to-eat foods. Raw meat is more likely to harbor pathogens than cooked food is.

  • Thoroughly wash raw meat before cooking it.

Knowing the risks and how to prepare sushi safely will help keep you from getting sick from eating it.

You can reduce the risk of becoming sick by taking these precautions:

Know the risks
Seafood that is improperly prepared or handled can cause food poisoning. So, it's essential to know and understand the risks involved when eating sushi.

Avoid raw fish that has not been frozen
A good rule of thumb is to only eat sushi from a place you trust, where you know the fish is fresh. And if you are unsure about which kinds of fish have been frozen, ask your server for more information. They will be able to tell you which fish on their menu is safe to eat and which ones to avoid if raw.

Be careful when preparing your sushi at home
When working with raw seafood, it's essential to make sure all utensils and cutting boards that come into contact with the food have been sanitized first and are completely clean before being used again for another dish or food item. Use separate knives for meat preparation (to avoid cross-contamination). Be aware that there may still be some residual bacteria present even after washing all surfaces thoroughly. Do not let them sit out longer than necessary while waiting on other foods items like rice noodles, etc.

Salmonella Outbreak tied to Onions: Know the Symptoms and When to Get Treatment.

The recent outbreak of Salmonella tied to onions has made over 650 people sick in 37 states. The FDA has announced recalls on some major onion farms to curtail infections. But what are the symptoms of Salmonella, and when should you visit your doctor?

Salmonella poisoning can cause salmonellosis, a condition with symptoms ranging from mild to severe. In most cases, salmonellosis is self-limiting, and the person recovers without treatment. Most people with salmonellosis feel better 1 to 3 days after the initial infection; however, some may be ill for up to a week or more.

Salmonellosis symptoms usually start 12 to 72 hours after exposure, but they can occur as soon as eight hours after exposure or as late as five days later.

The symptoms of salmonella poisoning include:

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

  • Abdominal pain

  • Diarrhea

  • Fever

  • Chills

  • Headache

Home Treatment

If you have salmonella poisoning, the first thing to do is rest and drink plenty of fluids. If you get pain or cramping in your stomach or side, take an over-the-counter pain reliever like Tylenol or Advil (ibuprofen).

If you have diarrhea, drink lots of clear liquids that can be absorbed by your body easily. Try water mixed with a bit of sugar and salt (called "oral rehydration solution"), fruit juices without pulp such as apple juice, sports drinks such as Gatorade, tea, broth made from bouillon, or powdered chicken broth mix.

When to Visit Premier

The most severe cases usually occur in young children, adults over 50, and people with impaired immune systems. If you are an otherwise healthy adult under the age of 50 who comes down with Salmonella, rest assured that the effects of the illness will most likely fade in a few days, especially with proper rest and hydration.

The key is knowing when to seek medical care. If you have persistent diarrhea for more than two days, if you have severe abdominal cramps, or if you have a high fever, contact your primary care physicians or visit your local urgent care. These symptoms may be signs of dehydration or a secondary infection. Typically, treatment would include antibiotic therapy or even IV hydration if excessive diarrhea and vomiting lead to dehydration.

For now, it's safest to stay away from onions entirely until the FDA says otherwise. If you develop any symptoms related to Salmonella exposure, stay hydrated, rest, and if your condition worsens be sure to visit Premier at any time for medical care.

2021 Flu Season: Should I Get the Flu Shot?

The flu is nothing to sneeze at. It's estimated that 200,000 people die each year from complications related to the virus, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that the flu results in 80,000 hospitalizations and 2.5 million doctor visits annually.

But how can you protect yourself from catching the flu?

Getting the flu shot.

Pneumonia and the flu are the two leading killers of children and adults in the United States every year. Flu season tends to begin in the fall. The Centers for Disease Control recommends a flu vaccine for everyone older than 6 months of age, or for those at high risk for flu complications.

The flu vaccine is produced from dead or weakened influenza viruses. The viruses are made in such a way that they can't cause infections in healthy people, but they're still strong enough to stimulate your immune system to produce antibodies. The antibodies then fight off the viruses if they enter your body.

The vaccine takes about two weeks to take effect, so people who get vaccinated in October should be protected most of the winter.

The flu vaccine is a preventive measure, so people who are vaccinated still can get sick. But the vaccines protect against the most common circulating strains of flu, and if you've been vaccinated, you're less likely to become seriously ill from the flu.

The CDC recommends the flu vaccine for everyone older than 6 months of age. This includes pregnant women, people who are at high risk for flu complications, and people with chronic health conditions such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease and kidney disease.

There are a number of options for getting vaccinated, including:

  • Medical offices

  • Walk-in clinics

  • Pharmacies

  • Retail stores

  • Employer-based programs

  • Schools

  • Health-care organizations

  • Local health departments

Getting vaccinated is the single most important thing you can do to prevent the flu. Following are other benefits of getting a flu shot:

The flu vaccine is -

  • highly effective.

  • designed to prevent the flu in children and in adults.

  • Designed to protect against multiple flu viruses.

  • convenient.

  • Usually covered by insurance.

  • approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

  • safe to use.

The flu spreads quickly, and it's contagious. So, get your flu shot early and you will get the best protection this flu season.

The Daily Dose: Snakes

The Daily Dose: Snakes

Snakes. They hide away in small nooks and crannies and come out only to get just enough sun to barely move around. Then they sit in one spot for hours on end waiting for their lunch to come. You might be familiar with this kind of behavior from your teenager during the summer. If you accidentally stepped on your teenager while they were laying out by your pool, a bite from them would be a mild reaction compared to the emotional turmoil they will probably deliver.